General Considerations

As a user it is important that you keep your private key save. It is best to make a backup to be able to restore files, in case you reinstalled the browser.

Note that the key is saved in your operating system profile so make sure your home folder is encrypted and noone has access to it.

Check your keys

You should regulary check the keys on your system.

If you notice a new one or don't recognize one, notify the system adminsitrator to check the logs. it might be an incursion attempt.

You should also avoid having too many different keys, in case one is compromised.


When uploading always check for how many users the file is shared, and take note of the message telling you for how many keys the file will be encrypted:

If you only share the file with one person, then it should normally be encrypted for 2 keys (your own and the target user).

If it shows more it might be:

If the number of keys does NOT match up, make sure to notify the administrator immediatly as this might possibly be an incursion attempt.