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You need access to the server running ownCloud in order to install the e2ee plugin.

Manual Installation

  1. Find you apps folder within your ownCloud installation (Linux: /var/www/oc/apps )
  2. Unzip the e2eeShare zip package into this folder:

    Code Block
    cd /var/www/oc/apps
    unzip ~/Downloads/
  3. Verify that the zip is successfully extracted:

    Code Block
    ├── apps
    │   ├── e2eeshare
    │   │   ├── appinfo
    │   │   ├── controller
    │   │   ├── css
    │   │   ├── db
    │   │   ├── img
    │   │   ├── js
    │   │   ├── l10n
    │   │   ├── lib
    │   │   └── templates
  4. Login to ownCloud with the admin user and finish installation by running the database upgrade

  5. Enter your license key in the configuration under 
  6. Create a group for all e2ee users and add it within the group setup:
